All Saints’ is a place where your youth can be themselves.

At All Saints’ it is our goal to provide a safe environment, a place to nurture and support our children's spiritual formation. We serve all families, regardless of race, social, economic or LGBTQ+ status, and care will be taken to accommodate all children’s special needs. All our youth and childcare workers have been trained in child abuse prevention and have had full background checks through our SafeChurch program.

  • A young white child sits in front of a chalkboard easel.

    Early Childcare

    Childcare is provided in the nursery from 8:45 AM-12 Noon on Sundays for children aged 0-5 years.

  • Sunday School

    We offer Sunday School during the school year at 9 am to 9:45 am for ages 6 to 11 in our youth room off Sutherland and in our park. Focus this fall will be on prayer, diving into Episcopal identity, and seasonal crafts.

  • Kid's Chapel

    Join us during the 10:30 am service as our kids age 6-11 will leave during the Gospel song to discuss what the Gospel reading for the day means to them. Kids will return at the peace.

  • Episcopal Youth Community

    Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) gathers on Wednesday evenings during the school year from 5:30 pm to 7 pm for youth ages 12-18. This inclusive community meets to pray, ask questions, and grow together in their faith.