Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year program of study that is presented under the auspices of the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee. EfM provides theological education for lay persons to help them discern and prepare for their ministries.

Year 1 students study the Hebrew Bible; Year 2 students study the New Testament; Year 3 students study Christian history; Year 4 students study theology, ethics, and interfaith encounters. Several times during the year all students read common books and discuss them. The EfM group meets weekly. In the 2023-2024 class year, the group will resume meeting face- to-face, and the meeting will be streamed on Zoom for participants who are uncomfortable with face-to-face due to Covid or for other reasons. In its weekly meetings, the group worships together, discusses the readings assigned for the week, and engages in the unique EfM practice of Theological Reflection.

If you are interested in joining the All Saints’ EfM group, watch for the enrollment announcements in July and August or talk to or contact Charles Tyrone, EfM Mentor, at (479) 857-0480 or Tuition is $330 for the 2023-2024 term. EfM no longer provides textbooks as part of the enrollment fees, so participants must purchase their texts. However, EfM book are available in the church library. Scholarships to help with tuition and financial aid to help with book purchases are available.