Do you find yourself humming a tune with the birds on your morning walks? Do you sing power ballads in the shower? Or perhaps you played an instrument in school. If so, consider being a part of the All Saints’ Music Ministry! Each week, our lively and vibrant All Saints’ Choir helps lead the liturgy and hymns at the 10:30 am Sunday worship service. We also offer a prepared anthem during the offertory. The choir meets weekly on Wednesdays from 7:15-8:15 pm and Sundays at 9:45 am for a short rehearsal preceding the 10:30 am service. Our choir also leads the Advent Lessons & Carols service in December.

  • Music for Everyone

    Our choir is made up of mostly volunteers, with a few paid student choral scholars. You do not have to audition to be in the All Saints’ Choir; however, potential singers should be able to carry a simple tune. Some knowledge of music reading and one’s voice part (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass) is helpful, but not a requirement.

  • Benefits of Choir

    Fun making music! Listen to Co-Director Tim Smith’s goofy anecdotes and musical illustrations

    Intellectually challenging! Reading music (or learning to do so), blending with other voices, and following the conductor

    Athletic! Weekly Episcopalian workout: up, down, up, down the stairs

    Spiritual food! Digest music and text simultaneously

    Fellowship with other music lovers! Raise your voice in community

    Learn from professional musicians! Co-Director and Cellist Kristin Smith along with Dr. Tim Smith

“For the saints of God are just folk like me.”