Faith & Reason 
9 am to 9:45 am in the Large Classroom

The adult Faith & Reason class provides a Sunday morning educational opportunity to engage the evolving issues and imperatives of 21st century progressive Christianity. The format is a short video/audio presentation followed by lively class discussion. Each session is facilitated by Bill Parton and/or a volunteer from the class.

The podcasts and YouTube videos we discuss come from a variety of sources, with much of the material coming from the Center for Action and Contemplation.

Renaissance painting of St. Dominic reading a breviary.

Faith & Scripture
9:15 am to 10 am in the Small Classroom

Join us as we read from scripture and engage in open discussion of the meaning and significance of the readings. Have you ever paused to really consider Jesus’ sermon on the mount? Do you wonder what the significance is behind terms such as “blessed” and “poor in spirit?” These are the kinds of questions we tackle in our small group. We also discuss the religious, historical, and political contexts of the periods in which the scriptures were recorded.

A Bible lying open on a table with a pencil resting between the pages.

Young Adults

Pub Theology
First Sunday of the Month
4pm at
Cagle’s Mill

The format is simple: beverages, conversation, and God. Bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair. Be ready to engage with people of varying religious traditions, philosophical perspectives, and life experiences. Find a safe place to share your own wrestlings and thoughts while learning something new along the way.

Pub Theology began as an extension of the Faith & Reason class. Meeting on Sunday afternoons once a month at Cagle’s Mill Restaurant & Bar inside the Clarion Inn in Russellville, we engage in lively theological discussions in a more relaxed and public setting.

A person with light skin tone drawing a beer from a tap.

A toddler dressed in a cow costume and a young child dressed as Mary in a Christmas pageant. Both children have light skin tones.

Your youth are welcome to join us for Sunday School or Kids’ Chapel! We also provide early childcare on Sundays.

A child with medium skin tone holds a toddler with a light skin tone. The toddler is smiling at the camera.
Two youth, one with a light skin tone and one with a medium skin tone, smiling as a they plant in a garden.