Walk in Love with us.

All Saints’ Young Adult group gathers each Sunday after the 10:30 am service. Join us for lunch and fellowship.

Deconstructing & Rebuilding Our Faith - Sundays at Noon, January 19-March 23, 2025

Join us for this 10-week course as we examine our church experiences and work to rebuild and renew our faith as individuals and a community.

We’ll engage with themes such as church or societal judgment, hypocrisy, or abuse; how religion can be misused and abused as a tool of fear and control; betrayal by spiritual leaders; finding God in the midst of or in spite of these experiences; and finally, building a faith that sustains.

A large banner, outdoors. The border is the various colors of the progress Pride flag. It reads: All are welcome! You are worthy of Love and Belonging. All Saints' Episcopal Church.

Our nursery stays open from Noon to 1 pm to allow guardians/parents a time for fellowship.

Whether Episcopalian, another faith tradition, or none of the above, you are welcome in this space. May we all learn to grow as a community that loves thy neighbor as themselves.

Contact us.

Melissa Simpson, Program Director

501 S Phoenix Ave
Russellville, AR 72801