Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be Episcopalian to participate fully in Eucharist?

Wherever you are on your journey of faith, all are welcome to receive communion. If you would like to receive the bread but not the wine, you may cross your hands over your chest as the cup passes. If you do not wish to receive communion, you may still come forward for a blessing. Crossing your hands over your chest lets us know you wish to receive a blessing.

Are children welcome in church?

Children of all ages are welcome to participate during the service. We do offer a nursery on Sundays from 9 am until after the 10:30 am service for children 5 years old and younger. During the sermon at the 10:30 am service, children ages 6-11 may attend Kid’s Chapel to discuss the Gospel together and then return at the peace. We offer a rocking chair in the back of the church for guardians or parents of small children, and a family room just off our sanctuary for those who need a quiet space or place with their families. We love the sound of children in church!

What do people wear to an Episcopal Church?

We invite you and your family to attend in whatever you feel most comfortable and appropriate.

Do I have to stand and kneel with everyone?

Our style of worship is an active engagement, when able people may stand or kneel or sit down for God. The rule of thumb for standing is that we stand to praise the Lord. Normally we sit to be instructed. When in doubt about proper etiquette, don’t be afraid to ask someone next to you. Most likely this person was new once and initially felt just as confused by all the physical activity in the pews.

What is your church’s position on welcoming LGBTQ+ folks?

The Episcopal Church affirms and welcomes all members the LGBTQ+ community. All people are welcome as members of the Episcopal Church and at all levels of leadership, lay and ordained. Read more about it here.