Everything is Spiritual

Our young adult group is diving into Rob Bell’s book, Everything is Spiritual to help us connect big moments in our stories that helped shape us and our spiritual life. We will gather in the parlor at 5:30 pm at All Saints’ and break bread with potato soup and discuss our book. Please feel free to bring a side item to share with the group.

About the Book:

”Rob Bell's Everything Is Spiritual is an unexpected and compelling invitation to see your life in a whole new way.

We have the great moments of our lives, the highs, those times when we soar, when it all makes sense, when it feels like it all has purpose and meaning. And then there are all those other moments―the lows and aches and failures and struggles and experiences that leave us wondering what the point of it all is. Are our lives ultimately bits and pieces and fragments―you try to find a little peace and hope and then it’s over? Or is there more going on here?

In our increasingly polarized and disoriented world, Everything Is Spiritual gives us a radical new take on how it all fits together, how it works, how it’s all connected. Part memoir, part extended riff on the quantum nature of reality, part history of the universe, Rob Bell takes us back through the twists and turns and struggles of his story in order to help us see the larger story so that we can reconnect with our story.”

Prior to our first meeting, you may want to do a little digging into your family history. Questions to seek:

1.    Who are the people important to your story.

2.   What events do you remember.

3.   What stands out to you as you remember moving through these different stages of your life?

4.   Write a brief paragraph that describes your inherited self. (Family structure, where you were born/lived, rituals of the family, heritage, languages spoken.)

5.   Construct a description of your personal experience of interacting with other cultures and how they have influenced your understanding of the world, society, humanity, religion, and God.

6.   How has this experience shaped your identity and spirituality?


AYE at Camp Mitchell


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