Join us for our Memorial Day Evangelism Retreat

Spend a relaxing weekend at Camp Mitchell in their Grace Lodge as we gather to get to know one another and share our stories. This weekend will be spent in prayer, conversation, resting, growing in our relationship with God, and fellowship. For this retreat we will be using Embracing Evangelism from The Episcopal Church.

Cost is $60 per person. Check in starts at 5pm at Camp Mitchell Grace Lodge. Food will be provided. If you are over 21 you can BYOB.

Linens are available as well as towels. There is a full kitchen on site and coffee pots. There’s a large back yard with plenty of trees to hang up hammocks or sit on the back porch and have a good cup of coffee.

Please RSVP with Melissa Simpson by May 15 if you can attend. Limit of 22 people.

Friday May 26

5 pm – Arrive and unpack at Grace Lodge/ Snacks

6 pm – Opening Prayer. Dinner and Conversation.

7pm – Watch Session 4 of Embracing Evangelism. Story sharing prompts with a partner. Group reflection

8pm – Debrief for the weekend and compline.

8:30 pm – Games in the common area

11 pm – Quiet time

Saturday May 27

8am – Daily Devotions in the Morning and Breakfast.

9am – Session 5. Inviting Everyone to More. Watch session 5 and then small group circles, invite others to share their story.

10am – Personal Reflection time on invitations. You can spend time doing arts/crafts, visiting others, walk around the grounds, visit the chapel, rest in hammocks. Read a book and reflect on the index card you will receive.

12 – Daily Devotions at Noon and Lunch.

1pm – Sharing time for our personal reflection.

2pm – The future of the Episcopal Church at home, in Arkansas, and Nationally. How you can make a difference.

3pm – Snack Time

3:15 pm – Arts/Craft Time. You can create a prayer journal or container, work on your spiritual autobiography, walk the labyrinth in the chapel, create a family tree of who is important in your life, read in the hammocks, create bath salts to give to people, color, or rest in the lodge.

5pm – Daily Devotions in the Early Evening and Dinner

6pm – Now what? How do we go and bless others?

7:30 pm – Sung Compline in the Chapel of Transfiguration

8 pm – Evening Activity of Games and Fellowship


Sunday May 28 – Pentecost Sunday

5:30 am – Optional Hike to Stouts Point to watch the Sun rise at 6 am.

8 am – Light Continental Breakfast

9 am – Morning Prayer in the Chapel of Transfiguration

10 am – Pack/clean up

11 am – Goodbyes and Prayers for safe travel.


Dungeons and Dragons


Ascension Day Picnic