Interfaith Festival

Please join us for our annual interfaith prayer service, Love Thy Neighbor: Tending the Sacred Flame, a celebration of peace through music, prayer, and wisdom.

September 7th

We are so excited to invite you to this annual event for its thirteenth meditative year. This interfaith prayer service will be held on Thursday, September 7, 2023 at St. Mark's Episcopal Church at 6 PM, with an online live-stream option also available. 

Love Thy Neighbor began as an interfaith prayer service to help bring people together who are dedicated to peace in our community and around the world. This amazing nterfaith service will be followed by the annual Interfaith Food Festival, where we invite you to celebrate peace and fellowship on the grounds of St. Mark's Episcopal Church.

The event is FREE and open to all age groups. This event is co-sponsored by The Interfaith Center of Arkansas and Arkansas House of Prayer. Stay up to date by visiting our website.


Rally Day


March on Main